This site covers a wide range of topics, probably seemingly (and maybe actually) with no relation to one another, except for the fact that they’re things I find interesting.

What I hope ties them together is process of paying attention to ourselves, and the learning process. This site is about the process. I’m learning. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never be an expert or master at anything. I’ll always be a beginner. And the beginners mind is a fertile place, full of possibility, if you approach things without too many assumptions and a willingness to confront the fear of looking stupid.

I cover a lot of topics, and they’re less a “how-to” than a “how-to-approach”.

What I’ve been finding, more and more, is that it’s all possible. You can do most anything. You just need to start at the beginning, and move forward. No one was born an expert. Everyone learns it along the way, given they start from the beginning and actually try. And if you move forward not with the expectation of becoming a master, someone who awes people with your ability, but instead with the expectation of getting something done and learning a lot along the way – the simple expectation of ending up with a useable product – your chances of success and sticking with it are almost guaranteed.

I don’t pretend that these topics are my own creation. I pick up a lot of things from a lot of different places. When something inspires me and I feel I have original thoughts about it, I’ll post about it. If you also pick up a lot of things from a lot of places, you’ll probably recognize a lot of my topics.

Other than that, I don’t really know what this site is about. There’s a desire to teach that runs pretty deep in my family. Rather than imposing that desire on my friends and family who mostly aren’t asking for it, this is my outlet. People can come and go voluntarily.

I hope you enjoy it.

Categories: About