You’ve arrived. This is it. You can and should plan for the future, and expect better things. But that idea that your life will start “someday”, that this is just something leading to that day when your life really starts? Stop that. This is it. This is your life. You’ve arrived. You’re there. What your life is now; that is your life. It may change at some point, but this is it now. That time you’re dreaming of in the future when you have the spouse and kids, or a better paying job, or more time, better eating and sleeping habits, and then your life will start? Well maybe that’ll be tomorrow. But maybe it’ll be when you’re 70. Or maybe never. Do you want life to pass you by while you’re waiting for it to start?
This realization, which I have to remind myself of constantly, started to sink in around my late 30’s. I had friends, some of them a little older than me, still talking about the family they hoped to have, along with the job they hoped to have, when things are finally “there” in their life. People at nearly 40! And I was doing it too. Well guess what? This is your life! Right now. It’s been happening, slipping by while you’ve been day dreaming of the day it will start. At what point are you “here”? At what point have you made it, have you arrived? After half or more of it is already over? If right now it isn’t what you want, when will it be?
I could get all motivational and say this is your wake up call to start making actual steps towards whatever you want for your life when it finally “begins”. Because how old are you now? If you’re my age, and you’re still just day dreaming about that stuff, at what age do you think it’s going to happen? How many years will you actually get to enjoy it if you haven’t even started making moves toward it yet?
But in truth I just want to remind myself, and you, that your life is happening right now. You will not someday arrive. You arrived years ago.
Get on it. Settle in. This is it. You’ve arrived.