That’s a lie. But let me tell you: it’s the truth.
That anxiety, maybe always in the background, but bubbling to the surface during downtime, when you’re alone or when the conversation stops; the fact is, that’s life. Excuse the Buddhism, but the first noble truth? Life is suffering.
If you feel like something is wrong but you don’t know what, that’s alright. All sorts of things are wrong. You’re a wound up ball of insecurities, prejudices, emotional and physical scars, just like everyone else. Of course something’s wrong, you’re alive.
Happiness won’t come from seeking out and fixing all your problems or the worlds. But contentment may come by first accepting them. They’re part of being alive.
I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, when that anxiety creeps up, it somehow does help to know that anxiety is ok. It’s part of being alive. Expecting to feel great all the time is sure to cause unnecessary suffering. Disappointment. 100% caused by expectations. Where do your expectations come from? You create them, based on the fact that your human like the rest of us, and whatever society has decided is right and good and to be expected.
All sorts of things are wrong, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s being alive. It’s not that there’s no hope and nothing can be fixed. It’s that everything cannot be fixed. There will always be something wrong, something messy. In the world, in your car and in your house. Something will always be wrong. That’s ok.